The CASE project motivates teachers to become aware of potential areas of development in their own practice. These developments imply the need to make necessary improvements aligned with the guidelines of Europe for the future of science education. This requires a deeper change in motivation, one which cannot be achieved through material incentives alone. Such changes come about when teachers have high expectations, a shared sense of purpose, and above all, a collective belief in their common ability to make a difference in the education of the children they serve. Individual teachers need to gain understanding of specific best practices, something which can only be achieved through training and demonstration of such practices in authentic settings. CASE project puts forth a way of achieving this in a specifc area of teaching: the creative interaction between science and art in primary schools. We view this area of interaction to be of great potential for European teachers. This is due to the opening of doors for creative work on the part of the pupil, both individually and as part of a social setting, during which pupils need to continuously draw lines between one discipline and the other in order to solve educational tasks. From the perspective of the pupil, solving those tasks is no longer motivated by the requirements of an educational municipality or authority. Rather, the pupil is now driven to work creatively as a result of her own social and emotional needs.