Our Partners

The CASE consortium brings together key players in the field of Creativity in Education, Science Education, the arts, Outreach as well as in the validation and evaluation of activities. The team at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences is based at the Center for Creativites, Arts and Science (CASE) developed the Write a Science Opera (WASO) method, coordinates the Global Science Opera, and are partners in the H2020 CREATIONS project. The team at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is experienced in developing frameworks and pedagogical approaches. The team at Dublin City University is experienced in impact assessment and they are leading the evaluation in the European Commission’s Open Schools for Open Societies (OSOS) project. The Ellinogermaniki Agogi team has participated in the CREAT-IT and CREATIONS projects, and has major experience in creativity by incorporating arts in science education. The Science View team specialize coordinate the Learning Science Through Theater (LSTT) initiative, have vast experience in outreach, and have participated in the CREAT-IT project as well as the Global Science Opera initiative. SPEEL JE WIJS specialize in creative education for young ages and have published extensively in this area. The team at Klaipeda University has extensive experience in the humanities and social sciences as well as arts and has participated in the CREANET project regarding creativity in education.

Hogskulen Pa Vestlandet (HVL)
Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (AUTH)
Dublin City University (DCU)
Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA)
Science View (SV)
Speel Je Wijis (SPEEL)
Klaipedos Universitetas (KU)