Prof. Bernard Foing
Keynote Abstract:
Together on the Moon and Mars
EuroMoonMars is an ILEWG programme following up ICEUM declarations as a collaboration between ILEWG, space agencies, academia, universities and research institutions and industries. The ILEWG EuroMoonMars programme includes research activities for data analysis, instruments tests and development, field tests in MoonMars analogue, pilot projects , training and hands-on workshops , and outreach activities. EuroMoonMars includes a programme of grants for Young Professional Researchers. EuroMoonMars field campaigns have been organised in specific locations of technical, scientific and exploration interest. Field tests have been conducted in ESTEC, EAC, at Utah MDRS station , Eifel, Rio Tinto, Iceland, La Reunion, LunAres base at Pila Poland , and HiSEas base in Hawaii. These were organised by ILEWG in partnership with ESTEC, VU Amsterdam, NASA Ames, GWU in Utah MDRS (EuroGeoMars 2009, and then yearly for EuroMoonMars 2010-2013). EMMIHS campaigns (EuroMoonMars-IMA International Moonbase Alliance- HiSEAS) in 2018-2020 took place on Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii.
Short CV of the Speaker:
Prof. Bernard H. FOING, ESA Senior Scientist, executive director of ILEWG, SMART-1 Lead scientist, EuroMoonMars manager, Prof VU Amsterdam. At ESA ESTEC since 1989, as ESTEC staff committee chair (2012-2017), Chief scientist, Head of Research Division, study lead (SIMURIS, MORO lunar orbiter, EuroMoon lander), staff, visiting scientist fellow. Co-Investigator of SOHO, XMM, BIOPAN, SMART-1, Mars Express, COROT, ISS/Expose, ExoMars. Chair IAF ITACCUS, member IAA, COSPAR, MVA, EGU. Publications: >800 articles, including 225 refereed papers (cosmic fullerene C60+, first super-Earth, tropical Mars glaciars, 8000 citations, H47), 16 books , organiser 70 symposia. Academics: Habilitation 1990, CNRS, astronomer ESO Chile, PhD astrophysics & space techniques (CNRS, Lockheed, SacPeak, Boulder, Harvard),Prof agrégé Physics, Ecole Normale Supérieure ENSET.