Learning Science Through Dance

Learning Science Through Dance

By Magdalena From Delis and Anne-Beate Ulveseth Lilletvedt

This workshop will be a 45 minutes explanation from our training material- Learning Science Through Dance (LSTD).

The material has been made by multi- artist Magdalena from Delis and drama/dance lecturer and artist Anne- Beate Ulveseth Lilletvedt.

During our verbal online presentation, we will also show some movement example as well.

In the start/introduction of the training material we want a science teacher to start the process by showing a scientific experiment to the student. This experiment work as a main-base and starts the processes connecting science with dance. In the workshop we will not show a science experiment, but in the training material manual you will find links to some basic experiments done by science teacher Trine Gravdal.  One of these examples will be explained as our starting point in the workshop.

We have written our LSTD- training material as detailed as possible, so that science teachers should feel comfortable doing it without having any dancing experience. One of our biggest focus in the LSTD is how the teacher constantly can open up for the students to use their creativity and work with their bodies by making movements and shapes they relate to their science question and experiment.. This means that creative dance is the form we use rather than any classical dancing styles when working with LSTD. Also drawing shapes is a tool we have added as a way of making the students think of shapes and movements in a different and creative way. In the workshop we will show and explain this, and take the participants through a short- version of all the steps in the process:  Question- Evidence- Analyze- Explain- Connect- Communicate- Reflect.

In the end we will open up for question related to the workshop and our work with the training- material- manual