CASE & GSO4SCHOOL Conference
STEAM Approach in Science Education
The International Conference on “STEAM Approach in Science Education” is jointly organised by the CASE and GSO4SCHOOL projects. Join us for 3 days, from the 1st to the 3rd of December. The Conference is going to be an on-line event.
The conference will be an international meeting point for educators, scientists, artists, researchers and policy-makers during which cutting-edge perspectives on creativity in school education will be presented and further developed. The conference will be an exciting and enjoyable occasion for educators to gain valuable experience with specific Professional Development approaches to science-and-art (STEAM) methodologies through hands-on experiences, lectures and intensive, interactive workshops.
ProgrammeAbout CASE & GSO4SCHOOL International Conference
Submit your Abstract
The CASE & GSO4SCHOOL International Conference is supported by


